Friday, July 9, 2010

2nd Surgery 10 days away

Annabelle is now 7 months old. Her 2nd surgery is scheduled on July 19th, 2010. They will be doing what is called a Bi-directional Glenn procedure. I won't go into all the details, but it's the biggest surgery out of all three.

Since my last post Annabelle has been doing so good. We are going to the cardiologist every other week now. Every time we go the whole staff just loves seeing her. They love making her smile and talking about how cute her and her friend Donovan are together. She has not had any big issues. Her heart function is doing just what they want it to do. The past few times we have gone Dr. Forbes has had some students come into the room too. I can't believe how Dr. Forbes can explain her situation in so much detail and even remember specific dates without even looking at her chart. The only thing I don't like about the students being there is the fact that we have to go over her battle to live. I know that sounds extreme, but unfortunately it's the truth. We haven't forgotten her fight and never will. But because she's doing so good, its hard to believe everything she's gone through.

She is still sleeping through the night and if she does wake up, she falls right back to sleep. She is still doing good with the bottle and is now eating fruits and veggies. She is getting her own personality too. She laughs out loud and gets mad when she can't reach a toy. She can even roll over from her belly to her back. She is starting to let other people hold her besides mom and dad. She loves her big cousins. They make her smile. We have even left her with the grandparents to go golfing.

Her surgery is in 10 days. I hate having to go through this again, but we have no choice-it has to be done. We were given all the risks when we went to the surgery consultation and I still can't get the biggest risk out of my head. I have to keep telling myself how strong she is and that shes already come this far. She has proved that she wants to be with us. For now we are just going to get through these next few days as best as we can and then get her back home as soon as we can. I know everyone has heard me say this, but she is so special. She is my little angel face. I love her so much.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Julie.. I know how you're feeling right now. Some reassurance: compared to the Norwood, the Glenn was a piece of cake for us. Recovery seems to be quicker and a little easier with this one. You won't believe how much more energy these babies have after this surgery. Aly could suck down a bottle twice as fast just 2 days post op and woke up to eat in the middle of the night again. Ill will definitely keep Annabelle in my thoughts and prayers as her surgery approaches.
    heart hugs,
